The Friendly
Oil Boiler Service Ltd
The Friendly
Oil Boiler Service Ltd

Just a few photos from 'the office'. Some educational and some amusing...

Spot the wall lamp in this streak of soot from a poorly boiler - the customer called to say the boiler was smelling and within a few hours the wall was like this.

Here is a wonderful 1960 'pot boiler' from a house in Compton - its still in daily use! Oil simply trickles into the bottom of the container and burns - no wick or other fuel, just oil on fire! This heats the 1 metre square room its in and heat rises. This column of heat is dispersed through the other rooms just by convection. Simples!
The pipes on the top go up to a hot water cylinder which again is heated by convection.
You cant get simpler!

Does your header tank look like this? Probably. It is ideal to clean it out, add cleaner, empty and refill with inhibitor every 5 years. Much of the black goo that we find in our radiators is corrosion caused by the interaction between the different metals in your system - iron, steel, copper, aluminium etc. This will end up in the bottom of you boiler and it will rust through. I have stripped out many boilers which are otherwise good, simply due to this problem.

Im not sure who was the unluckiest - the huge hornet or the customer who had to invite us round to establish why her boiler wasnt firing....

Does you boiler service guy clean out your tank filter? Many dont....this is what we often find within the metal bowl. This should be a nice clear plastic mesh but its covered in goo. Amazingly this boiler was still running but the oil pump will have been struggling to pull oil through for a long time, need a new one soon....

Sadly this boiler is only 7 years old yet it resembles an old ship wreck. This was due to an ill-fitting flue seal. The boiler hadn't been serviced regularly so the internal damage went unnoticed.

These are the baffle plates inside a Worcester Heatslave - they used to be flat with one folded end. These are distorted due to years of running with a poor combustion setting (lean), ie not serviced properly if atall.